Meet the girl who almost lost her life while trying to look slim
Meet The Girl Who Almost Lost Her Life While Trying to Look Slim May 29, 2020 5:53 AM Our teenage years can be really full of fun and lots of adventures, but sometimes the challenges most young people face can make them take crazy decisions that might lead to disaster. Elle Lietzow was 17 years old when she decided not to eat or drink anything because she wants to lose some pounds, Elle was suffering from Anorexia, an eating disorder that will make you obsessed with your weight. (Thick and full Elle) Elle was afraid her friends may abandon her if she gets fat due to how they've mocked her in the past because of her size. Elle went through a lot to lose some pounds, she even went as far as eating just steamed cabbage and water. Elle thought that being skinny would make her famous and loved by her friends so she went further to starve herself just to lose weight. Elle went as far as dropping chunks of food on the kitchen floor so her parents will think she's eaten, Ell...