Meet the girl who almost lost her life while trying to look slim

Meet The Girl Who Almost Lost Her Life While Trying to Look Slim
May 29, 2020 5:53 AM

Our teenage years can be really full of fun and lots of adventures, but sometimes the challenges most young people face can make them take crazy decisions that might lead to disaster.

Elle Lietzow was 17 years old when she decided not to eat or drink anything because she wants to lose some pounds, Elle was suffering from Anorexia, an eating disorder that will make you obsessed with your weight.

(Thick and full Elle)

Elle was afraid her friends may abandon her if she gets fat due to how they've mocked her in the past because of her size. Elle went through a lot to lose some pounds, she even went as far as eating just steamed cabbage and water. Elle thought that being skinny would make her famous and loved by her friends so she went further to starve herself just to lose weight.

Elle went as far as dropping chunks of food on the kitchen floor so her parents will think she's eaten, Elle said that her looks disgust her so she wants to lose weight at all cost. Elle lost almost 40 kilos in 2 months, she became so skinny and she continued starving herself, she'll always put on huge jackets and big sweaters when going out so she won't appear so skinny.

(Skinny Elle, you can clearly see her ribs)

Elle's body was dying gradually, but she never noticed it, after starving herself of food and water for a week, she felt a thirst like never before so she decided to take a cup of water. She collapsed in the bathroom after taking a glass of water, she almost died that day but her mother rescued her and took her to the hospital. The doctors discovered that her liver and kidney had gone into failure and she weighed just 35 kilos, the doctors were astonished that she was still alive.

(Elle now a lover of fruits and vegetables)

After everything, she became a full-time vegan and she eats all sorts of fruits and vegetables every day. She now runs a YouTube channel and her Instagram where she inspires others with her vegan lifestyle. She's now living a normal social youthful life and now she's over 19 years but I know that's one life experience she will never forget, the story of how she almost lost her life while trying to look slim.

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